Overnight Trip October 2002
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Overnight Trip October 2002

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In October 2002 ZeeBros went on an over night trip with Captain Mike on the Lady ann
To say it was the trip of a life time would be a terrible understatement. Big Zee, Little Zee, Pops Zee and Rookie Zee had their best angling experience of their lives. We teamed up with Captain Mikes Fishing Charters ( see our links page ) and along with a couple local anglers, Kirk and Gerald, headed out of Billy Goat Hole for the beer can rig 100 miles distant. Of course, the Lady Ann and gear was top notch, Capt. Mike and the crew were absolutely without reproach and PCBC ZeeBro provided lots of help and live entertainment. In all we brought back 1200 pounds of Tuna, snapper, tuna, amberjack, tuna, triggerfish, WAHOOOOO, tuna, kings and did I mention Tuna ? Thank you Ann, Mike, Skipper, Ellis and PCBC. Also thanks to Kirk and Gerald, great anglers, for company and fishing tips.

Home at last with Mother Ocean
Big ZeeBro with Skipper of the Lady Ann checking things out on the first day.
Pops likes to do things a little differently.....
Here's an actual, untouched photo of the 44 pound wahoo Pops ZeeBro lassoed and brought in. The fish is not hooked but wrapped around the tail. Check it out !
Big ZeeBro at it again.
Looks like he's hauling in a yellowfin to me. We came in with 11 yellowfin up to 80 pounds.
When Captain Mike speaks.......
......people listen. Here he is issuing some advice from the bridge of Lady Ann. With his experience and knowledge, only a fool wouldn't luisten.
This is one of my favorite images
I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking.
Lil ZeeBro hauling in a Gulf Kenworth
After bunking down at midnight, Skipper shook me awake and said " You gonna fish or sleep ? " at 0400. Here's Lil Zee grunting in the first yellowfin of the next day ( even before coffee ! )
Worn out ?
Pops, Big Zee and Rookie on the way back in to Billy Goat Hole.